The Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Substance Abuse

More than 19 million American adults struggle with a substance abuse disorder, and many battle both drug and alcohol addictions. Opioid addictions alone account for an estimated 2.1 million addictions in the United States. Prescription drugs and illegal substances chemically alter your brain, making it difficult to overcome your addiction without psychiatric, emotional, and medical support. 

At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment in Mercer Island, Washington, Richard E. Repass, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist and addiction medicine physician with more than 10 years of experience helping men and women of all ages overcome their substance abuse disorders and addictions. 

Learn about the benefits of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for substance abuse, and discover how it can help you on your journey to recovery. 

What is medication-assisted treatment?

Medication-assisted treatment combines behavioral therapy and medications to treat substance abuse disorders. Intense cravings for the effects of prescription medication or recreational use drugs coupled with the fact that drugs alter the chemicals in your brain, make it nearly impossible to break your addiction without help. 

MAT makes it possible for you to slowly transition from your addiction to no longer needing the substance physically or emotionally. 

MAT is especially effective for people who have an opioid, benzodiazepine, or kratom addiction. Many addiction recovery programs use medications such as Suboxone® to help you safely transition from the addictive substance without overwhelming withdrawal symptoms. 

Dr. Repass may prescribe Suboxone as part of your medication-assisted treatment program to help wean you from the drugs you’ve become dependent on. He may also recommend safe and highly effective IV infusions of BR+NAD™, which also functions to stop your cravings and restore normal brain function. 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is one of the safest ways to detoxify your body and is especially useful for methamphetamine addiction since there’s no other medication that can help you overcome a meth addiction. 

How does a NAD detox work?

NAD is a natural molecule found in every cell in your body and plays an essential role in keeping your brain, organs, and nerves functioning properly. NAD is also vital for DNA repair, and it stimulates the production of neurotransmitters. 

Drug and alcohol addiction can deplete your body of its natural levels of NAD, and NAD also declines as you get older or as a result of stress and illness. 

When you receive IV treatments of a specialized Brain Restoration Plus (BR+) NAD, it helps restore your levels, and it also has a profound effect on stopping your cravings for addictive substances, including:

BR+NAD isn’t addictive, either, making it an ideal solution for treating addiction. Along with therapy and as part of an addiction program, NAD can help you safely detox as naturally as possible, without worry that you may become dependent on it. NAD also helps resolve the neurochemical imbalances in your brain.

For many women and men, BR+NAD takes away cravings and allows you to beat the addiction with long-term results. As long as you continue to participate in therapy and work with Dr. Repass, you set yourself up for success as you recover and cope after your drug addiction. 

Medication-assisted treatment, including BR+NAD can help you beat your addiction, because it addresses the physical aspect of your addiction so you can get back to feeling like yourself again, without feeling dependent on drugs. 

To learn more about MAT and NAD as part of a comprehensive addiction recovery program, call our caring team at 425-243-5773, or send us a message through our online system. 

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